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00001 /****************************************************************************
00002  ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
00003  **
00004  ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use
00005  ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code.
00006  **
00007  ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file.
00008  ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy().
00009  ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and
00010  ** destructor.
00011  *****************************************************************************/
00012 #include <unistd.h>
00013 #include <string.h>
00014 #include <errno.h>
00015 #include <sys/types.h>
00016 #include <sys/stat.h>
00017 #include <fcntl.h>
00018 #include <termios.h>
00019 #include <stdio.h>
00021 int fd = 0;
00022 char sCmd[254];
00023 char sResult[254];
00024 QString serialport = "/dev/ttyS0";
00025 QString aoid = "08";
00026 QString doid = "02";
00027 QString diid = "04";
00029 int MainWindow::init(){
00030   CommunicationLog->append("Starting program up");
00031   AOid->setText(aoid);
00032   DIid->setText(diid);
00033   DOid->setText(doid);
00034   if (OpenPort() < 0) {
00035     return 0;
00036   }
00037   CommunicationLog->append("Serial port open");
00038   UpdateDigitalInput();
00039   UpdateAnalogInput();
00040   UpdateDigitalOutput();
00041   UpdateAnalogOutput();
00042   return 0;
00043 }
00045 void MainWindow::destroy(){
00046   CommunicationLog->append("Closing program down");
00047 }
00049 QString MainWindow::GetInput( QString command ){
00050   CommunicationLog->append(command);
00051   QString toreturn = "";
00052   QString tempstr = "";
00053   WritePort(command);
00054   usleep(100000);
00055   if (ReadPort(sResult,254) > 0) {
00056     toreturn = sResult;
00057     CommunicationLog->append(toreturn);
00058   }
00059   for(unsigned int i = 0; i<=toreturn.length() ;i++){
00060     if(toreturn[i] != 'x'){
00061       tempstr+=toreturn[i];
00062     }
00063   }
00064   toreturn = tempstr.simplifyWhiteSpace();
00065   return toreturn;
00066 }
00068 void MainWindow::UpdateAnalogInput(){
00069   QString hexstr;
00070   QString outputstr;
00071   hexstr = GetInput("k");
00072   hexstr = hexstr.left( 2 );
00073   hexstr = hexstr.prepend("0x");
00074   bool ok;
00075   int voltage1 =  hexstr.toInt(&ok, 16);
00076   double voltage2 = (double) voltage1 * 0.007843137;
00077   voltage2 *= 100.0;
00078   double param, fractpart, intpart;
00079   param = voltage2;
00080   fractpart = modf (param , &intpart);
00081   if((fractpart*10.0)>4){
00082   intpart++;
00083   }
00084   voltage2 = (double) intpart * 0.01;
00085   outputstr.setNum(voltage2);
00086   outputstr.append(" V");
00087   LineEditAI->setText(outputstr);
00088 }
00090 void MainWindow::UpdateAnalogOutput(){
00091   bool ok;
00092   QString output = "s";
00093   output.append(aoid);
00095   QString voltage = spinBoxAO->text();
00096   QString stripvoltage = voltage.left(voltage.find(" "));
00097   stripvoltage = stripvoltage.simplifyWhiteSpace();
00098   int ivoltage = stripvoltage.toInt(&ok, 10);
00099   double dvoltage = ((double)ivoltage / 7.81640625);
00100   ivoltage = (int)dvoltage;
00101   QString str = QString( "%1" ).arg( ivoltage, 0, 16 );
00102   output.append("o");
00103   if(str.length() == 1){
00104     output.append("0");
00105   }
00106   output.append(str);
00107   GetInput(output);
00108   UpdateAnalogInput();
00109 }
00111 int MainWindow::OpenPort(){
00112   CommunicationLog->append(serialport.ascii());
00113   ClosePort();
00114   fd = open(serialport.ascii(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
00115   if (fd < 0) {
00116     printf("open error %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
00117   } else {
00118   struct termios my_termios;
00119   tcgetattr(fd, &my_termios);
00120   tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
00121   my_termios.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 |CREAD | CLOCAL | HUPCL;
00122   cfsetospeed(&my_termios, B57600);
00123   tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &my_termios);
00124   }
00125   return fd;
00126 }
00128 void MainWindow::ClosePort(){
00129   if (fd > 0) {
00130     close(fd);
00131   }
00132 }
00134 int MainWindow::ReadPort( char * psResponse, int iMax ){
00135   int iIn;
00136   if (fd < 1) {
00137  printf(" port is not open\n");
00138  return -1;
00139   }
00140   strncpy (psResponse, "N/A", iMax<4?iMax:4);
00141   iIn = read(fd, psResponse, iMax-1);
00142   if (iIn < 0) {
00143  if (errno == EAGAIN) {
00144    return 0;
00145  } else {
00146    printf("read error %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
00147  }
00148   } else {
00149  psResponse[iIn<iMax?iIn:iMax] = '\0';
00150   }
00151   return iIn;
00152 }
00154 int MainWindow::WritePort( QString psOutput ){
00155   int iOut;
00156   if (fd < 1) {
00157     printf("Port is not open\n");
00158     return -1;
00159   }
00160   iOut = write(fd, psOutput.ascii(), strlen(psOutput));
00161   if (iOut < 0) {
00162     printf("write error %d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
00163   } else {
00164   }
00165   return iOut;
00166 }
00168 void MainWindow::UpdateDigitalInput(){
00169   QString hexstr;
00170   QString str = "s";
00171   str.append(diid);
00172   str.append("i");
00173   hexstr = GetInput(str);
00175   hexstr = hexstr.left( 2 );
00176   hexstr = hexstr.prepend("0x");
00177   bool ok;
00178   int value =  hexstr.toInt(&ok, 16);
00180   if(value >= 128){
00181     DI8->setChecked(1);
00182     value -= 128;
00183   } else {
00184     DI8->setChecked(0);
00185   }
00186   if(value >= 64){
00187     DI7->setChecked(1);
00188     value -= 64;
00189   } else {
00190     DI7->setChecked(0);
00191   }
00192   if(value >= 32){
00193     DI6->setChecked(1);
00194     value -= 32;
00195   } else {
00196     DI6->setChecked(0);
00197   }
00198   if(value >= 16){
00199     DI5->setChecked(1);
00200     value -= 16;
00201   } else {
00202     DI5->setChecked(0);
00203   }
00204   if(value >= 8){
00205     DI4->setChecked(1);
00206     value -= 8;
00207   } else {
00208     DI4->setChecked(0);
00209   }
00210   if(value >= 4){
00211     DI3->setChecked(1);
00212     value -= 4;
00213   } else {
00214     DI3->setChecked(0);
00215   }
00216   if(value >= 2){
00217     DI2->setChecked(1);
00218     value -= 2;
00219   } else {
00220     DI2->setChecked(0);
00221   }
00222   if(value >= 1){
00223     DI1->setChecked(1);
00224     value -= 1;
00225   } else {
00226     DI1->setChecked(0);
00227   }
00228 }
00230 void MainWindow::UpdateDigitalOutput(){
00231   QString str = "s";
00232   str.append(doid);
00233   str.append("o");
00234   int value = 0;
00235   if(DO8->isChecked()){
00236     value += 128;
00237   }
00238   if(DO7->isChecked()){
00239     value += 64;
00240   }
00241   if(DO6->isChecked()){
00242     value += 32;
00243   }
00244   if(DO5->isChecked()){
00245     value += 16;
00246   }
00247   if(DO4->isChecked()){
00248     value += 8;
00249   }
00250   if(DO3->isChecked()){
00251     value += 4;
00252   }
00253   if(DO2->isChecked()){
00254     value += 2;
00255   }
00256   if(DO1->isChecked()){
00257     value += 1;
00258   }
00259   QString tempstr = QString( "%1" ).arg( value, 0, 16 );
00260   if(tempstr.length() == 1){
00261     tempstr.prepend("0");
00262   }
00263   str.append(tempstr);
00264   GetInput(str);  
00265 }
00267 void MainWindow::changeAOid(){
00268   aoid = AOid->text();
00269   CommunicationLog->append("Analog Output id changed");
00270   CommunicationLog->append(aoid);
00271 }
00273 void MainWindow::changeDIid(){
00274   diid = DIid->text();
00275   CommunicationLog->append("Digital Input id changed");
00276   CommunicationLog->append(diid);
00277 }
00279 void MainWindow::changeDOid(){
00280   doid = DOid->text();
00281   CommunicationLog->append("Digital Output id changed");
00282   CommunicationLog->append(doid);
00283 }

Generated on Mon Jan 3 09:13:11 2005 for RapierGUI by  doxygen 1.4.0