Welcome to the Rapier ProjectThis project is about an interface system for a PC running Linux connected to a COM port. The hardware is build around a Z8 micro controller unit, a bus system and some boards featuring several functions like Analog I/O and Digital I/O. The hardware is controlled from a QT based GUI program. Project status
This is the my final project for my 2 year long training. This project, for better or worse, will be finished on the 5th of january 2005. The name "Rapier" for this project, has nothing to do with the hardware or its use. A rapier is a weapon used for fencing. So why the name? Because rapier is also a name of a space fighter in my favorite computer game Wing Commander. This project is partly possible because of my girlfriend who supports me in many ways. You are a truely amazing woman. I would like to thank members of the danish SSLUG programming mailing list for their help and ideas. I'm in your debt. To my tutor. Thanks for all your constructive criticism through out the project. Take a look around the site and please give me some respond if you have any ideas. Thank you. |